PhD in Politics (ongoing)
University of Exeter
Kazakhstan and the New Silk Road
Master of Arts in International Relations (Merit, 2002)
Middlesex University
Dissertation specialising in the Arms Trade
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy / Cultural & Intellectual History (Hons, 2000)
Middlesex University
Professional Certificate in Academic Practice (2016)
Higher Education Authority
CELTA – English for Speakers of Other Languages (2005)
University of Cambridge
Certificate in Leadership and Management Skills (2016)
HEA Fellowship – Application pending
Higher Education Authority
The role of identity and strategic narratives on public perceptions of China: the case of the New Silk Road in Kazakhstan
Land, S., Neafie, J. E., & Courtney, M. G. R.
Seventh Workshop on EU-China Relations – European and Asian Perspectives on China’s Belt & Road Initiative
Perceptions of the OBOR Amongst Different Strata of Kazakhstan
Conceptualising the "Belt and Road Initiative" and its Effects - School of Sciences and Humanities - Nazarbayev University
Politcal Geographer and Pop Geoculture Enthusiast
Teacher, Riviera International School, September 2024 - Ongoing.
IB International curriculum.
Instructor, Writing Center, SHSS, Nazarbayev University, August 2015 - January 2024.
Teaching an academic writing skills course based on human geography to undergraduate students.
Teaching Fellow, Humanities and Social Sciences, NUFYP, Nazarbayev University, August 2015
to August 2018 including:
Senior Tutor, August 2016 to August 2018
Acting Coordinator, September 2016 to December 2016
Course design, overview, staff management, implementation, assessment, instruction.
Teaching Fellow, Royal Holloway University, July 2015 to August 2015
Pre-sessional Instructor - English for Academic Purposes.
Lecturer, Royal University of Law and Economics, October 2014 to June 2015
Lecturer - International Environmental Law, Law and Geography.
Lecturer, Pannasastra University of Cambodia, July 2014 to June 2015
Lecturer - Theories of International Relations, Theories of International Politics, Theories of
Political Science, The Politics and Economics of Globalization, The Politics and Economics of
Major Regional Powers.
Designed and implemented a university-wide course on Academic Writing.
English Language Instructor, Australian Centre for Education (ACE) March 2014 to September 2014
English for Academic Purposes, English for Special Purposes.
Head of Skills Development, Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia (PIC), February 2013 to February 2014
Assessor and trainer of Cambodian Parliamentary staff in preparation of joining ASEAN in
2015. Included oversight, management, curriculum design, and instruction.
Trained, tested, and counselled staff on a full-time basis.
Head of Department, PSB College, Vietnam, September 2011 to February 2013
Head of the English Academic Program, including managing 12 staff.
Academic Coordinator with Head Office in Singapore.
Teaching Fellow, Kanagawa University, September 2010 to August 2011
Academic Writing.
English Language Instructor, RMIT University, January 2008 to August 2010
English for Academic Purposes.
Previous Employment: 2005-2008:
English Language Instructor, Home of English, English
Language Instructor, English First.
Previous Employment:
Higher Executive Officer, Office for Criminal Justice Reform,
Home Office, UK Government; Executive Officer, Crown Prosecution Service, UK Government.